Mobile Marketing is Here to Stay, Here’s Why.


What is Mobile Marketing?

Mobile marketing refers to the act of any marketing strategies that are directed specifically to mobile users. When mobile marketing is optimized correctly, consumers that are based on mobile devices will be able to view information about the brand effectively, on their mobile devices.

So, Why Mobile Marketing?

Connecting with your audience.

Mobile devices are one of the core ways that consumers use to access the internet. 62% of users actually access the internet via their mobile phones and 40% of online transactions are done with a mobile device, which is a huge amount of users!

A wide range of different demographics have access to mobile devices, and with the help of targeted marketing, you will be able to reach out to your target audience effectively. Nowadays, even the older folks would own a smartphone or tablet! (I can vouch for this, as my grandmother herself owns her own tablet.)

Major platforms such as Facebook and Google collect your data (you can opt out of it) to serve you ads you will be interested in. You chatted about rice cookers the other day and suddenly you are seeing rice cooker ads on your feed? Not a coincidence 90% of the time.

Increased Engagement.

Compared to emails, text messages have a way higher engagement rate. 82% of users actually open a text message within 5 minutes of receiving it. The convenience of using a mobile device definitely impacts how much engagement business can get from it.

Think about how much time we spend on our phones, be it just scrolling through Instagram on the bus, or even watching Tiktok videos before bed! A typical smartphone user actually spends an average of 3 hours on their phone each day, which is a big part of our day!

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These are just a few reasons how effective mobile marketing can be for your business. Mobile marketing is here to stay, and it will not be fading away like their counterparts anytime soon. How much time do you spend on your mobile devices? Do you think mobile marketing plays a huge role in your life? Tell me about it in the comments below! Thank you for reading my blog post and I’ll see you next week!


  1. Hey Van, it’s a very informative blog. Thank you for letting me know more about why the digital marketing is important. I spend like 3-4 hours daily on mobile. Mobile marketing plays a very huge role for my POV cos it gives message to a wide range of target customers.


    1. vanessatandm says:

      Hi Sainandakyawthu! Thanks for reading! I agree with you too as I personally spend a lot of time on my mobile devices too. Mobile marketing is definitely the way to go now!


  2. Sean says:

    Hello Vanessa! I enjoyed the content, short and sweet! I agree that mobile marketing is definitely here to stay! I feel that mobile marketing affects our daily life especially since nowadays we spend a fair amount of time on our mobile devices. We’ll be exposed to more contents online. Implementing mobile marketing can be very advantageous if executed properly. Do you have any company in mind that has done mobile marketing well? Thank you, hope to hear from you soon!


    1. vanessatandm says:

      Hi Sean! Thank you for commenting! I agree with you, and I think mobile marketing is easily one of the most useful strategies. Personally, I think companies like Lazada and Shopee has done mobile marketing really well. They’ve advertised on social media platforms consistently like YouTube and Tiktok and have a mobile application that is super convenient! Also, the push notifications from their apps are really useful for consumers to keep up with their sales or promotions!


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